This is an essential reference for those who want to take responsibility for their own health. An encyclopaedic self-help guide to safe natural medicine, the book has been reviwed and updated to provide a holistic guide that encourages preventative medicine through natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle. The introduction shows you how to take personal responsibility for your own health and well-being, and provides an introduction to the origins of the complementary therapies described in the book. Part one, Health , includes: chapter one, the living body and how it works; chapter two, how to look after your health; chapter three explains how to remain healthy during the hormonal cycles of change, from puberty through to old age. In part two, The natural therapies : chapter four is an introduction to caring for the sick at home; chapter five presents seven medicinal therapies, including homoeopathy, aromatherapy and 17 body-mind therapies, from massage and reflexology to hypnotherapy and healing; finally, chapter six explains how to administer first aid and deal with emergencies.
Other features of the book are: a detailed chart of ailments for immediate advice on suitable therapies; an encyclopaedia of healthcare for self-help and care of the family; a health section outlines diet, exercise, breathing, relaxation and safety; instructions for first aid and emergencies; over 25 different therapies, including homoeopathy, Bach flower remedies; aromatherapy, herbalism, acupuncture, osteopathy, shiatsu, emotional release, meditation, Alexander technique and Tai Chi; useful names and addresses; and over 1000 natural remedies.