Yogaflows is a different kind of yoga book. Until now, the emphasis in yoga books has been on mastering individual poses and the steps necessary to get into and out of them, rather than on integrating them into a fluid practice. A Yogaflow links a sequence of poses seamlessly together to create a free-flowing internal energy that tones, detoxifies and heals the body's systems. Each flow consists of between 13 to 20 poses, initially performed on the right, then the left side of the body, merging from one into the other to create a dynamic, moving, breathing flow. Each flow is a creative, well-structured and balanced sequence of yoga poses. Very few students can put together a satisfying programme away from a class. Yogaflows has many benefits and it's clear and simple to follow. There is advice on breathing correctly to maximise fluidity within the flows. The more one performs the flows, the more the poses link to one another - attention is therefore more relaxed, resulting in a heightened ability to achieve a higher meditative state. - 12 specially designed, gatefolds show each flow in its entirety so you don't have to turn pages - Suitable for any level and any type of yoga. Readers can progress from basic through moderate to intensive level - 4 basic, 4 moderate and 4 intensive flows - A complete Glossary of Asanas (poses) is annotated for correct alignment and body posture - A Focus on Flows section helps readers with transitional movements between postures - Personal practice becomes easier and more interesting - no stopping to think what to do next - Programme is designed to be energizing, uplifting and revitalizing - Benefits - promotes union of breath, movement and awareness, which can lead to detoxifying and healing of the body; mental alertness; inner balance