by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Author), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Author)
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Superpower your maternal-neonatal skills, with the fully updated Maternal-Neonatal Facts Made Incredibly Quick! (R), 3rd Edition, the indispensable pocket guide that offers at-your-fingertips answers on maternal-neonatal nursing essentials.
Flip quickly to the section on which you need guidance with the help of brightly colored tabs. Then scan the quick-read bulleted text for vital direction on the four stages of labor, interpreting stress test results, Lamaze techniques, interpreting lab values, and more. This handy quick-reference guide offers both classroom and on-the-unit support for nursing students, nurses, and all maternal-neonatal healthcare professionals.
Use this reference for maternal-neonatal assessments, tests, monitoring, and care, with these featues:
Format: Illustrated
Pages: 172
Edition: 3rd edition
Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Published: 30 Aug 2018
ISBN 10: 1496396782
ISBN 13: 9781496396785