by KeraBolonik (Author)
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\i\fs20 In the Weeds\i0 \fs18 , the companion volume to Sky One's series \i\fs20 Weeds\i0\fs18 , devotes equal space to the characters of Nancy Botwin and Celia Hodes, the 'dra-medic' anchors of the award-winning Sky One series, peering into these two PTA mums' atypical suburban lives in the private community of Agrestic, California, delving into their complex psyches as they contend with insane circumstances and often outrageous (and hilarious) families, friends, and 'business contacts'. \i\fs20 In the Weeds\i0\fs18 will be based on material culled from the first and second seasons. \par \par \i\fs20 In the Weeds\i0 \fs18 will also include stills from the show and behind-the-scenes shots of the actors and directors, the crew and the sets, an appendix for each section, such as a glossary of Weeds bon mots; a map of Agrestic's landmarks tailored to the lives of Nancy and Celia; and the women's respective family (and associates) trees.Each section will also feature sidebars that focus on the music, guest stars/character profiles, the women's homes, as well as interviews with the cast, the creator, and crew about the characters and the creation of Agrestic. \par }
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
Publisher: Simon Spotlight Entertainment
Published: 15 Oct 2007
ISBN 10: 1416938788
ISBN 13: 9781416938781