They say there's someone for everyone. But what if 'The One' lives in Winnipeg rather than Wimbledon? Or Port Stanley instead of Livingstone? Or, even in Eden... New South Wales? How far would you go to find them? Paris, Tokyo, San Francisco? As a seasoned travel writer and broadcaster, Jennifer has embarked on plenty of epic adventures before and explored some of the world's most remote regions. She's bonded with people the world over - but she can't, for the life of her, seem to find a soul mate in London. She's tried every dating technique known to womankind, all to no avail. And so she decides to set out on the trip of a lifetime, dating her way around the globe to find the man of her dreams. And date them she does: From the Skate Date in Paris to the High Roller in Vegas, from the Love Professor in Sweden and the Dead Date in Italy to the Penguin Ranger in Australia. But just as she crosses the international dateline one more time, juggling doubts and excess baggage, the impossible happens - has she finally met Mr Right?
Travel journalist Jennifer Cox loved her job but hated her love life. Were the two somehow related, she wondered? And if so could she not try to make it her job to meet Mr Right? In search of the man of her dreams, Jennifer begins to organise her global network, asking friends, business colleagues and friends of friends (all of them more affectionately known as Date Wranglers) to set her up with every interesting, unusual, special or simply gorgeous guy they can find in their little black books - as long as they fit Jennifer's Soul Mate Job Description. From the Love Professor in Sweden and the Skate Date in France to the Dead Date in Italy and the High Roller in Vegas; from the one-legged journalist in China to the Chief of the Harbour police in Sydney, Jennifer travels around the world: 80 men, in 22 countries, on 5 continents, in 8 months. But Jennifer has strict rules about dating, as well as a certain set of expectations, and as she struggles with doubts, excess baggage and date fatigue, she starts to wonder if it is actually really possible to seek and find Mr Right? And what would happen if she did track him down? Only time, travel and 80 dates would tell...