'In Cracking the Hard Class, the undisputed master of behaviour management, Bill Rogers, shows us that being an effective teacher isn't a result of God-given gifts of charisma and presence, but can be developed through a series of specific skills and learned actions. It's one of the mot useful books around for new teachers - Geoff Barton, The Times Education Supplement '[Bill Rogers'] most recent books - both from Paul Chapman Publishing - are Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach and Cracking the Hard Class. Both are excellent and, if you can catch him live on one of his UK roadshows, you're in for a real treat. This practical approach from a writer who has clearly retained at least a notional foot in the classroom is the one that works best for me' - Geoff Barton, Times Educational Supplement 'It is rare to read a book about education that makes you laugh and cry. Members of our profession frequently adopt academic, ponderous or obscure writing styles. Here s a writer to has rejected the pulpit to reveal the human emotions in a teacher's work in an entertaining, thought provoking book. While light-hearted Bill is no lightweight.His work has a sound theoretical base but out of this we catch only a passing glimpse.
He prefers to concentrate on practical strategies to help teachers cope' - Books and Writing 'This book would certainly be invaluable to colleagues in the school where some had done the course and others had learnt at second hand. It would have a place in the staffroom of most schools, especially in the secondary sector. Bill Rogers is clearly a charismatic teacher! what he offers is based on secure knowledge of child psychology, classroom dynamics and staffroom politics' - Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties 'Bill Rogers is the modern guru of discipline...I enjoyed both books and found Cracking the Hard Class especially interesting. Mind you, you can't go far wrong with a title like that' - Times Educational Supplement 'If you are a fan of Bill Rogers then this book will not disappoint. If you have never heard of him and want to know more about strategies for coping with discipline, then read this. An excellent book with many clear ideas and examples that will undoubtedly change the way you teach. This book covers all key stages but seems to edge slightly more towards secondary school.Buy it now!'
- Phil Burney-Cumming 'This is an excellent book for teachers at any key stage who have one or more difficult pupils in their class, as well as those with the hard class . It provides simple and effective behaviour management strategies and makes you realise you are not alone and that it's okay to have a bad day. It mainly discusses secondary education but does refer to primary. Many of the strategies are suitable for all levels anyway. An absolute must-have for teacher' - Amazon Review At some point in every teacher's career he/she will encounter the 'hard class' and from day one the countdown to the end of the day, term and year is on in earnest. But as demanding as it may be, a difficult class does not have to dominate and permeate through all waking moments. Bill Rogers, in Cracking the Hard Class, highlights many practical strategies that can be implemented to overcome the hard class syndrome. These include: identifying what makes a class 'hard'; developing a class behaviour plan; developing colleague support; following up on disruptive students; changing patterns of bad behaviour; and assisting relief teachers and the hard class.As well as constructive ideas and strategies, Cracking the Hard Class also highlights the normality of the pressures and stress felt by teachers dealing with these classes.
Praise for the First Edition: 'In Cracking the Hard Class, the undisputed master of behaviour management, Bill Rogers, shows us that being an effective teacher isn't a result of God-given gifts of charisma and presence, but can be developed through a series of specific skills and learned actions. It's one of the most useful books around for new teachers! If you can catch him live on one of his UK roadshows, you're in for a real treat. This practical approach from a writer who has clearly retained at least a notional foot in the classroom is the one that works best for me' - Geoff Barton, The Times Education Supplement 'This book would certainly be invaluable to colleagues in the school where some had done the course and others had learnt it second hand. It would have a place in the staffroom of most schools, especially in the secondary sector. Bill Rogers is clearly a charismatic teacher what he offers is based on secure knowledge of child psychology, classroom dynamics and staffroom politics' - Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties 'This is an excellent book for teachers at any key stage who have one or more difficult pupils in their class, as well as those with the hard class .It provides simple and effective behaviour management strategies and makes you realise you are not alone and that it's okay to have a bad day.
It mainly discusses secondary education but does refer to primary. Many of the strategies are suitable for all levels anyway. An absolute must-have for a teacher' - Amazon Review At some point in every teacher's career he/she will encounter the 'hard class' and from day one the countdown to the end of the day, term and year is on in earnest. But as demanding as it may be, a difficult class does not have to dominate and permeate through all waking moments. Bill Rogers, in Cracking the Hard Class, Second Edition, highlights many practical strategies that can be implemented to overcome the hard class syndrome. These include: identifying what makes a class 'hard'; developing a class behaviour plan; developing colleague support; following up on disruptive students; changing patterns of bad behaviour; and assisting relief teachers and the hard class. As well as constructive ideas and strategies, Cracking the Hard Class, Second Edition also highlights the normality of the pressures and stress felt by teachers dealing with these classes.