Research Methods in Psychology
by Glynis Breakwell (Editor), Glynis Breakwell (Editor), Sean Martin Hammond (Editor), Chris Fife-Schaw (Editor), Jonathan A Smith (Editor)
'An excellent introduction to Research Methods. In fact it is more than an introduction - it is a sophisticated coverage for a book of this type. I would be more than happy to have my students use this book. and would recommend it to my colleagues. The authors take the topic seriously, and cover the broad range of research methods rather than focusing more narrowly on strict experimental designs. I consider that a real asset because there are many things worth investigating in this world that are not amenable to true experiments' - David C Howell, Professor Emeritus, University of Vermont Covering the key research methods - both qualitative and quantitative - this fully updated Third Edition of the best-selling textbook has been significantly revised and restructured in order to take into account developments in the techniques available to students and researchers in psychology and across the social sciences. A rich diversity of methods is encompassed, with each discussed fairly and robustly by an expert in the field. The book now has extended coverage of qualitative methods, and each of the primary qualitative methods used in psychology today.Since the second edition, some narrower chapters have been pulled together and more niche chapters have been removed - the result is a more teacher-friendly structure. Key features of the Third Edition include: - A new three-section structure, mirroring the three major processes in conducting research: the specification of the research question and design of the research activity; the choice of data gathering method; and the selection of data treatment regime. - Extended heuristic devices - more illustrative case study material, updated examples from current research to illustrate recent developments in methods and techniques, key words in bold at the end of chapters, end of chapter summaries and annotated further reading sections to assist in advanced research - A companion website is available offering a range of features for lecturers on a restricted access basis, and for students more publicly. These will help with exam assessment and written project work.Written in a lively and accessible style, Research Methods in Psychology ensures that progress towards a thorough understanding and skilled use of these various approaches can be achieved in easy stages, and the text is therefore essential reading for all methods courses that draw on the array of research techniques available in psychology.
Research Methods in Psychology, Second Edition is an expanded and updated new edition of a bestselling textbook. It presents a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the key research methods, both qualitative and quantitative, employed in psychology and across the social sciences. Four new chapters are presented (Research with Special Groups, Cross-Cultural Research, Content Analysis, and Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling) and all other chapters have been thoroughly revised and brought up-to-date.The book has four parts: in the first the relationship between psychological theory and research methodology, from both a practical and ethical viewpoint is considered; the second explains how to collect data using the major types of research design, and at the same time introduces the philosophical principles underlying them; in Part Three an invaluable guide to the traditional techniques of data gathering in psychology, as well as featuring less common techniques is offered; and finally the fourth part covers the issue of data analysis, clearly explaining the logic of statistical testing and the relationships between methodology and statistics, avoiding over-complicated formulae and focusing upon what can legitimately be inferred from commonly used psychological statistics.
The book is illustrated throughout with examples from current research and combines step-by-step advice, exercises and lists of further reading.
'An excellent introduction to Research Methods. In fact it is more than an introduction - it is a sophisticated coverage for a book of this type. I would be more than happy to have my students use this book. and would recommend it to my colleagues. The authors take the topic seriously, and cover the broad range of research methods rather than focusing more narrowly on strict experimental designs. I consider that a real asset because there are many things worth investigating in this world that are not amenable to true experiments' - David C Howell, Professor Emeritus, University of Vermont Covering the key research methods - both qualitative and quantitative - this fully updated Third Edition of the best-selling textbook has been significantly revised and restructured in order to take into account developments in the techniques available to students and researchers in psychology and across the social sciences. A rich diversity of methods is encompassed, with each discussed fairly and robustly by an expert in the field. The book now has extended coverage of qualitative methods, and each of the primary qualitative methods used in psychology today.Since the second edition, some narrower chapters have been pulled together and more niche chapters have been removed - the result is a more teacher-friendly structure. Key features of the Third Edition include: - A new three-section structure, mirroring the three major processes in conducting research: the specification of the research question and design of the research activity; the choice of data gathering method; and the selection of data treatment regime. - Extended heuristic devices - more illustrative case study material, updated examples from current research to illustrate recent developments in methods and techniques, key words in bold at the end of chapters, end of chapter summaries and annotated further reading sections to assist in advanced research - A companion website is available offering a range of features for lecturers on a restricted access basis, and for students more publicly. These will help with exam assessment and written project work.Written in a lively and accessible style, Research Methods in Psychology ensures that progress towards a thorough understanding and skilled use of these various approaches can be achieved in easy stages, and the text is therefore essential reading for all methods courses that draw on the array of research techniques available in psychology.