by VirginiaDeaneAbernethy (Author)
The United States has gone off track, allowing domestic and foreign aid policies to be co-opted by a government-abetted by mass media-that serves special interests rather than the greater national good. Americans' tendencies to trust, play fair, and help have been abused and require replacement by a realistic outlook.
The Vanishing American Dream posits solutions to get America back on the right track. Abernethy sees population growth driven by mass immigration as a major cause of economic and cultural changes that have been detrimental to most Americans. The environment has been degraded by over-crowding and increasing demands on natural resources. Work is cheapened by explosive growth in the labour force creating a buyer's market. One salary or wage no longer supports a family and educates children. Women working outside the home is a necessity, not a choice, for most American families. Furthermore, feminism, aimed originally at balanced gender roles, has been turned viciously against males of all ages and ultimately against females through degrading their traditional and valuable contributions.
Abernethy proposes that Americans need time to regroup, untroubled by a continuing influx of foreign peoples. The family, small business, and responsive local government are centres around which a solvent and confident citizenry can prosper again.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 350
Edition: 1
Publisher: Transaction Publishers
Published: 30 Jul 2016
ISBN 10: 1412863376
ISBN 13: 9781412863377
This is a book to stimulate debate and urgent conversation. A lifetime devoted to rigorous thinking about our most pressing environmental issues and controversies, hiding nothing. Whether you agree or disagree with Abernethy's premises, either hating or loving or disputing her conclusions, these pages are important to read and react to, the more publically the better. The country needs this book now.
--Dennis K Wentz, MD
Abernethy has done Malthus one better: a herd of sacred cows is led to the intellectual slaughterhouse, forcing the reader to think anew about disconcerting realities and tangible alternatives. My only dispute is with her assumption that welfare reform is actually possible, and that immigration reform is a key to that - as I see it, the welfare industry with or without reform will inevitably drag us down - but after reading Abernethy's work, I, too, will have to rethink my position. Highly recommended.
--Alan Ned Sabrosky, PhD, Veteran, US Marine Corps
With the media and government officials too comfortable hiding facts and distorting reality, it is so inspiring for Abernethy to give us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth with such courage and wit. Must reading for all truth-seekers.
--Kathy McKee, founder/Chairman of Protect Arizona NOW
When a nation of immigrants becomes a slogan for unchecked immigration or lax policies, it is time for critical analysis. The compassionate character of America can and should lead to fairness for the alien, but without sacrifice of other traits that also made America desirable in the first place: traits now eroded or at risk.
--Bruce Leichty, immigration lawyer for twenty-five years
The Introduction to the book indicates its aim: The essays in this volume are dedicated to all Americans who want to face reality and do not appreciate concerted lying from government, central banking, and the media. The BBC has a radio program which is dedicated to showing how politicians, commercial interests, and others misuse statistics and employ fallacious arguments. It requires discernment to get at the truth, and courage to write and speak about it, especially when it is something that readers would prefer not to face up to. Virginia Abernethy has demonstrated the necessary qualities in full. With her wide ranging interests and knowledge gathered over a long period of time it is both valuable and a pleasure to have her thought-provoking work collected together in a book.
--Andrew Ferguson, editor of the Optimum Population Journal for twelve years
The world number one dilemma is current population size and continued growth. In this compilation of writings, Virginia Abernethy has incisively documented the many problems created by this on-going, ever-expanding crisis.
--Walter Youngquist, author of GeoDestinies
The flood of cheap and abundant oil during First Half of the Oil Age saw the rapid expansion of just about everything, including population and money supply as the banks lent more than they had on deposit, confident of eternal economic growth. But the Second Half, which dawns, will be marked by dwindling oil and gas supply due to natural depletion. This book analyses the nature and consequences of this radical change in human history. It provides a deep insight into the current political, social and economic circumstances and will help people to better prepare for what follows. It is critical reading.
--Colin Campbell, retired petroleum geologist and executive, author of seven books
While I don't subscribe to all that Dr. Virginia Abernethy believes, advocates, and bewails, I know that what she has written is the consequence of considerable effort and thought. She may accept contrary opinions but lazy thinking, never!
--Chase Untermeyer, former US ambassador to Qatar, former director of Voice of America
This is a book to stimulate debate and urgent conversation. A lifetime devoted to rigorous thinking about our most pressing environmental issues and controversies, hiding nothing. Whether you agree or disagree with Abernethy's premises, either hating or loving or disputing her conclusions, these pages are important to read and react to, the more publically the better. The country needs this book now.
--Dennis K Wentz, MD
Abernethy has done Malthus one better: a herd of sacred cows is led to the intellectual slaughterhouse, forcing the reader to think anew about disconcerting realities and tangible alternatives. My only dispute is with her assumption that welfare reform is actually possible, and that immigration reform is a key to that - as I see it, the welfare industry with or without reform will inevitably drag us down - but after reading Abernethy's work, I, too, will have to rethink my position. Highly recommended.
--Alan Ned Sabrosky, PhD, Veteran, US Marine Corps
With the media and government officials too comfortable hiding facts and distorting reality, it is so inspiring for Abernethy to give us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth with such courage and wit. Must reading for all truth-seekers.
--Kathy McKee, founder/Chairman of Protect Arizona NOW
When a nation of immigrants becomes a slogan for unchecked immigration or lax policies, it is time for critical analysis. The compassionate character of America can and should lead to fairness for the alien, but without sacrifice of other traits that also made America desirable in the first place: traits now eroded or at risk.
--Bruce Leichty, immigration lawyer for twenty-five years
The Introduction to the book indicates its aim: The essays in this volume are dedicated to all Americans who want to face reality and do not appreciate concerted lying from government, central banking, and the media. The BBC has a radio program which is dedicated to showing how politicians, commercial interests, and others misuse statistics and employ fallacious arguments. It requires discernment to get at the truth, and courage to write and speak about it, especially when it is something that readers would prefer not to face up to. Virginia Abernethy has demonstrated the necessary qualities in full. With her wide ranging interests and knowledge gathered over a long period of time it is both valuable and a pleasure to have her thought-provoking work collected together in a book.
--Andrew Ferguson, editor of the Optimum Population Journal for twelve years
The world number one dilemma is current population size and continued growth. In this compilation of writings, Virginia Abernethy has incisively documented the many problems created by this on-going, ever-expanding crisis.
--Walter Youngquist, author of GeoDestinies
The flood of cheap and abundant oil during First Half of the Oil Age saw the rapid expansion of just about everything, including population and money supply as the banks lent more than they had on deposit, confident of eternal economic growth. But the Second Half, which dawns, will be marked by dwindling oil and gas supply due to natural depletion. This book analyses the nature and consequences of this radical change in human history. It provides a deep insight into the current political, social and economic circumstances and will help people to better prepare for what follows. It is critical reading.
--Colin Campbell, retired petroleum geologist and executive, author of seven books
While I don't subscribe to all that Dr. Virginia Abernethy believes, advocates, and bewails, I know that what she has written is the consequence of considerable effort and thought. She may accept contrary opinions but lazy thinking, never!
--Chase Untermeyer, former US ambassador to Qatar, former director of Voice of America
-This is a book to stimulate debate and urgent conversation. A lifetime devoted to rigorous thinking about our most pressing environmental issues and controversies, hiding nothing. Whether you agree or disagree with Abernethy's premises, either hating or loving or disputing her conclusions, these pages are important to read and react to, the more publically the better. The country needs this book now.-
--Dennis K Wentz, MD
-Abernethy has done Malthus one better: a herd of sacred cows is led to the intellectual slaughterhouse, forcing the reader to think anew about disconcerting realities and tangible alternatives. My only dispute is with her assumption that welfare reform is actually possible, and that immigration reform is a key to that - as I see it, the welfare industry with or without reform will inevitably drag us down - but after reading Abernethy's work, I, too, will have to rethink my position. Highly recommended.-
--Alan Ned Sabrosky, PhD, Veteran, US Marine Corps
-With the media and government officials too comfortable hiding facts and distorting reality, it is so inspiring for Abernethy to give us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth with such courage and wit. Must reading for all truth-seekers.-
--Kathy McKee, founder/Chairman of Protect Arizona NOW
-When -a nation of immigrants- becomes a slogan for unchecked immigration or lax policies, it is time for critical analysis. The compassionate character of America can and should lead to fairness for the alien, but without sacrifice of other traits that also made America desirable in the first place: traits now eroded or at risk.-
--Bruce Leichty, immigration lawyer for twenty-five years
-The Introduction to the book indicates its aim: -The essays in this volume are dedicated to all Americans who want to face reality and do not appreciate concerted lying from government, central banking, and the media.- The BBC has a radio program which is dedicated to showing how politicians, commercial interests, and others misuse statistics and employ fallacious arguments. It requires discernment to get at the truth, and courage to write and speak about it, especially when it is something that readers would prefer not to face up to. Virginia Abernethy has demonstrated the necessary qualities in full. With her wide ranging interests and knowledge gathered over a long period of time it is both valuable and a pleasure to have her thought-provoking work collected together in a book.-
--Andrew Ferguson, editor of the Optimum Population Journal for twelve years
-The world number one dilemma is current population size and continued growth. In this compilation of writings, Virginia Abernethy has incisively documented the many problems created by this on-going, ever-expanding crisis.-
--Walter Youngquist, author of GeoDestinies
-The flood of cheap and abundant oil during First Half of the Oil Age saw the rapid expansion of just about everything, including population and money supply as the banks lent more than they had on deposit, confident of eternal economic growth. But the Second Half, which dawns, will be marked by dwindling oil and gas supply due to natural depletion. This book analyses the nature and consequences of this radical change in human history. It provides a deep insight into the current political, social and economic circumstances and will help people to better prepare for what follows. It is critical reading.-
--Colin Campbell, retired petroleum geologist and executive, author of seven books
-While I don't subscribe to all that Dr. Virginia Abernethy believes, advocates, and bewails, I know that what she has written is the consequence of considerable effort and thought. She may accept contrary opinions but lazy thinking, never!-
--Chase Untermeyer, former US ambassador to Qatar, former director of Voice of America