by Margaret Thornton (Author), Andrew Manning (Author), Anne Haworth (Author), Gill Hewlett (Author), ShaunProcter-Green (Author), TonyFisher (Author), David Pritchard (Author), PaulMetcalf (Editor), JuneHaighton (Author), Gina Mc Manus (Author), David Ridgway (Author), HPrior (Author), PaulWinters (Author), SBurns (Author)
Written to cover the AQA GCSE Mathematics A modular specification (Unit 2, Higher), our student book targets the skills and knowledge required for the exam. Functional mathematics is integrated throughout providing an emphasis on applying mathematics in a real-life context.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 168
Edition: New edition
Publisher: Nelson Thornes
Published: 17 Mar 2010
ISBN 10: 1408506262
ISBN 13: 9781408506264