When Kate Howard was working as receptionist at the Barleybridge Practice, she had thought herself in love with Scott, the Australian vet. But that was years ago and she is over him now - or so she thinks. Kate finds herself back at the Practice in order to gain work experience as a junior vet. When she meets Scott again, she is alarmed to discover that the passion she once felt for him has not waned - she is suddenly, yet again, completely besotted with him. One of the changes Kate finds when she returns is the appointment of a new vet, Virginia Havelock, who causes trouble with her cock-sure mannerisms and her total lack of charm. She upsets Kate by constantly criticizing her and is the cause of a tragedy involving an important client. But all is not as it seems - Kate soon discovers that there is a reason for Virginia's sharp manner. Scott, very much in love with his wife Zoe, hates the idea that they have not yet had a second child. Convinced that the fault is not his, he refuses to seek help. The ensuing rows with Zoe drives a wedge between them. Will he look to someone else for comfort? Kate hopes that he might...Rebecca Shaw handles the everyday drama of the Barleybridge Practice with compassion and humour. Her readers will be enchanted by this story that takes place over the course of one hot country summer.