With lively, and instantly recognisable illustrations from Quentin Blake, and quotes from the phenomenally successful Roald Dahl classics, there can be no better way to keep track of your friends and family than with the utterly wondercrump Roald Dahl address book. The book is tabbed throughout with two letters per section. Each section is introduced with a quote about the home of a famous Dahl character. Can you guess who lives here: 'As soon as he was inside, he stopped and turned and rolled the great stone back into place so that the entrance to his secret cave was completely hidden from outside.' (Hint: it's a Giant secret cave...!) The layout is designed to be clear and user-friendly, with plenty of space for details, including mobile and email. There are also pages to ensure that you never forget the birthdays of your Glamourly Friends or Whooshey Relations, or the addresses of any of your favourite places to visit - scrumdiddlyumptious shops and propsposterous places alike! The address book will form a fantastic companion volume for the Roald Dahl diary, but also works just as well as a stand-alone product.