by S.Wali (Foreword), SunitaMehta (Foreword), Fahima Danishgar (Foreword)
Women for Afghan Women (WAW), a group comprised of both Afghan and non-Afghan women which was formed in April 2001 by Sunita Mehta and Fahima Danishgar, is committed to the struggle for Afghan women's human rights. This collection traces the history of women's rights and roles in Afghanistan since the 1970s, examines the current human rights crisis and suggests realistic solutions for post-war Afghanistan. Contributors include: Sima Wali, an Afghan woman who is CEO of Refugee Women in Development and recipient of the Amnesty International award for her work on Afghan women; Gloria Steinem, founder of Ms. magazine; Saira Shah, Afghan journalist who made the CNN documentary Beneath the Veil ; Eleanor Smeal, president of The Feminist Majority ; Angela King, special adviser on gender issues to Kofi Annan at the UN; Paul Fitzgerald and Liz Gould, an American husband-wife documentary team who were the first Western journalists allowed in Afghanistan since the Soviet invasion; Zohra Yusuf Daoud, the first (and last) woman to hold the title of Miss Afghanistan, who now lives in Malibu, California and hosts a talk radio show, 24 Hour Voice of Afghanistan . Women for Afghan Women: Shattering Myths and Claiming the Future is a collaborative attempt to write history, to bring greater awareness to the issues of Afghanistan and Afghan women, and to promote the agency of Afghan women in issues that impact their lives. The book includes a variety of female voices, highlighting a unifying desire to come together as women and share, network and strategize for change. This desire is focused on Afghan women but is also about global sisterhood and about the importance of feminist activism on an international level.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
Edition: illustrated edition
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Published: 18 Dec 2002
ISBN 10: 1403960178
ISBN 13: 9781403960177
A very valuable addition to the spate of recent works on Afghanistan. B. Tavakolian, Choice
...this excellent collection...provides both basic information for a newcomer...and sophisticated critiques.... Amy Zalman, Women's Review of Books
Over the last few months, many people have spoken on behalf of Afghan women; this book serves the invaluable function of allowing them to speak for themselves. Amitav Ghosh, author of The Glass Palace
This stimulating collection gives a voice to women whose voices have been shrouded in silence. To read the words of many of these remarkable women is to understand the truth behind-and beyond-the burqa. Shashi Tharoor, author and Head of the Department of Public Information, United Nations
The writing in this book gives testament to the brilliance, power and potential of the women of Afghanistan. These voices must be heard. Eve Ensler, author, The Vagina Monologues and Necessary Targets
...some survival stories make history. In this regard, the women in Afghanistan and refugee Afghan women worked in the shadows to preserve their dignity. I commend the members of Women for Afghan Women' for this illuminating collection of essays. Asma Jahangir, Supreme Court of Pakistan; UN envoy
...Women were responsible for mobilizing international public opinion against the Taliban and for rescuing Afghanistan.This book ensures that their story is told, that their struggle is not forgotten and that it continues as Afghan women try and rebuild their shattered lives and country. Ahmed Rashid, author of Taliban
In the past year, many books have been compiled to address Americans general unawareness of Afghanistan and the plight of its people. This one covers that vacuum by telling the story of Afghan women through their own voices...This particularly well-written, readable work provides timely insights and information about the people of Afghanistan and the faith of Islam. Recommended in addition to basic sources about the region. Deborah Bigelow, Library Journal
...provide[s] an antidote to Western arrogance...attempt[s] to give a voice to the world's unheard women.
Washington Post Book World
A very valuable addition to the spate of recent works on Afghanistan. B. Tavakolian, Choice
...this excellent collection...provides both basic information for a newcomer...and sophisticated critiques.... Amy Zalman, Women's Review of Books
Over the last few months, many people have spoken on behalf of Afghan women; this book serves the invaluable function of allowing them to speak for themselves. Amitav Ghosh, author of The Glass Palace
This stimulating collection gives a voice to women whose voices have been shrouded in silence. To read the words of many of these remarkable women is to understand the truth behind-and beyond-the burqa. Shashi Tharoor, author and Head of the Department of Public Information, United Nations
The writing in this book gives testament to the brilliance, power and potential of the women of Afghanistan. These voices must be heard. Eve Ensler, author, The Vagina Monologues and Necessary Targets
...some survival stories make history. In this regard, the women in Afghanistan and refugee Afghan women worked in the shadows to preserve their dignity. I commend the members of Women for Afghan Women' for this illuminating collection of essays. Asma Jahangir, Supreme Court of Pakistan; UN envoy
...Women were responsible for mobilizing international public opinion against the Taliban and for rescuing Afghanistan.This book ensures that their story is told, that their struggle is not forgotten and that it continues as Afghan women try and rebuild their shattered lives and country. Ahmed Rashid, author of Taliban
In the past year, many books have been compiled to address Americans general unawareness of Afghanistan and the plight of its people. This one covers that vacuum by telling the story of Afghan women through their own voices...This particularly well-written, readable work provides timely insights and information about the people of Afghanistan and the faith of Islam. Recommended in addition to basic sources about the region. Deborah Bigelow, Library Journal
...provide[s] an antidote to Western arrogance...attempt[s] to give a voice to the world's unheard women.
Washington Post Book World
A very valuable addition to the spate of recent works on Afghanistan. --B. Tavakolian, Choice
.. .this excellent collection...provides both basic information for a newcomer...and sophisticated critiques.... --Amy Zalman, Women's Review of Books
Over the last few months, many people have spoken on behalf of Afghan women; this book serves the invaluable function of allowing them to speak for themselves. --Amitav Ghosh, author of The Glass Palace
This stimulating collection gives a voice to women whose voices have been shrouded in silence. To read the words of many of these remarkable women is to understand the truth behind-and beyond-the burqa. --Shashi Tharoor, author and Head of the Department of Public Information, United Nations
The writing in this book gives testament to the brilliance, power and potential of the women of Afghanistan. These voices must be heard. --Eve Ensler, author, The Vagina Monologues and Necessary Targets
.. .some survival stories make history. In this regard, the women in Afghanistan and refugee Afghan women worked in the shadows to preserve their dignity. I commend the members of 'Women for Afghan Women' for this illuminating collection of essays. --Asma Jahangir, Supreme Court of Pakistan; UN envoy
.. .Women were responsible for mobilizing international public opinion against the Taliban and for rescuing Afghanistan.This book ensures that their story is told, that their struggle is not forgotten and that it continues as Afghan women try and rebuild their shattered lives and country. --Ahmed Rashid, author of Taliban
In the past year, many books have been compiled to address Americans general unawareness of Afghanistan and the plight of its people. This one covers that vacuum by telling the story of Afghan women through their own voices...This particularly well-written, readable work provides timely insights and information about the people of Afghanistan and the faith of Islam. Recommended in addition to basic sources about the region. --Deborah Bigelow, Library Journal
.. .provide[s] an antidote to Western arrogance...attempt[s] to give a voice to the world's unheard women.
--Washington Post Book World