Modeling, Simulation and Control of Nonlinear Engineering Dynamical Systems: State-of-the-Art, Perspectives and Applications

Modeling, Simulation and Control of Nonlinear Engineering Dynamical Systems: State-of-the-Art, Perspectives and Applications

by JanAwrejcewicz (Editor)


This volume contains the invited papers presented at the 9th International C- ference "Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications" held in ?od ' z, ' Poland, December 17-20, 2007 dealing with nonlinear dynamical systems. The conf- encegatheredanumerousgroupofscientistsandengineers,whodealwithwidely understoodproblemsofdynamicsmetalsoinengineeringanddailylife. Organizationof the conferencewould nothavebeen possiblewithouta great effortofthestaffoftheDepartmentofAutomaticsandBiomechanicsoftheTech- calUniversityof?od ' z. ' Thepatronageovertheconferencehasbeentakenbythef- lowingscienti?cinstitutions:MechanicsandMachineDynamicsCommitteesofthe PolishAcademyofSciences,PolishSocietyofTheoreticalandAppliedMech- ics,PolishAssociationforComputationalMechanics,andTechnicalCommitteeof NonlinearOscillationsofIFToMM. The ?nancial support has been given by the Department of Education at the ?'odz' City Hall, Ministry of National Education and the Polish Association for ComputationalMechanics. We welcomednearly100personsfrom13countriesallovertheworld.They decidedto share the results of their researchandmanyyears of experiencein a disciplineofdynamicalsystemsbysubmittingmanyinterestingpapers. TheScienti?cCommitteeincludesthefollowingmembers:IgorV.Andrianov- Aachen;JanAwrejcewicz -?od ' z; ' Jose M. Balthazar- Rio Claro;Denis Bla- more- Newark; Iliya Blekhman - Sankt Petersburg;Roman Bogacz - Warsaw; TadeuszBurczyns ' ki-Gliwice;DickvanCampen-Eindhoven;Czes?awCempel- Poznan';LotharGaul- Stuttgart;Jozef ' Giergiel-Cracow;Katica Hedrih-Nis; ? Janusz Kowal - Cracow; Vadim A. Krysko - Saratov; W?odzimierz Kurnik - Warsaw; Claude-Henri Lamarque - Lyon; Nuno M. Maia - Lisbon; Leonid I.



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More Information

Format: Hardcover
Pages: 360
Publisher: Springer
Published: 23 Dec 2008

ISBN 10: 1402087772
ISBN 13: 9781402087776