by Brian Taylor (Author)
Clusters of English unofficial roses have climbed the fence to face the sun. Each in its crimson finery supposes that it, alone, is the only one. Compliment inflates. Blame deflates. Truth understates. When the Giant Progress invented the wheel, he drove around running over everyone's babies until they begged him to invent the road. FOOL MOON Abolishing the moon by draining the pool is an occupation for the fool. Look at her! Sitting like a Question Mark, halfway between please and no thank you. I asked my Mother, What shall I be? Will I be famous? Will I be rich? Here's what she said to me: You will be a Big Issue Seller! Just like your father before you! THATCHER Ethics detached from intelligence (a dangerous thing in woman). She abused her education by sunbathing her ego in every passing neon light. DEIST AND ATHEIST Be careful when you stop believing in God. He may stop believing in you.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 260
Published: 10 Jul 2015
ISBN 10: 1326350145
ISBN 13: 9781326350147