by Arthur Freeman (Contributor), Arthur Freeman (Contributor), Sharon Morgillo Freeman (Editor), Bret A. Moore (Contributor)
In Living and Surviving in Harm's Way, experts investigate the psychological impact of how warriors live and survive in combat duty. They address the combat preparation of servicemen and women, their support systems, and their interpersonal and intrapersonal experiences. The text maintains a focus on cognitive-behavioral interventions for treating various combat-related disorders, and addresses psychological health and adjustment after leaving the battlefield. The text is logically organized for easy reading and reference, and covers often overlooked topics such as preparation and training of service personnel, women in combat, and the indirect effects of combat stress on family. This book is written by clinicians who have in some ways experienced what they write about, and resonates with mental health professionals, servicemen and women, and their families. Any clinician hoping to treat a serviceman or woman effectively cannot afford to overlook this book.
Format: Illustrated
Pages: 544
Edition: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Published: 27 Apr 2015
ISBN 10: 1138872911
ISBN 13: 9781138872912
This is an invaluable reference for students, clinicians, policy makers, and all who seek to understand the complex psychological impacts of war. The authors give voice to the full experience of Warriors in combat, addressing issues such as the psychological costs of killing, and post-combat adjustment. This compendium advances us towards developing effective methods for building resiliency and assisting with recovery from the intense stressors of deployment and combat. - Colonel Bruce E. Crow, Clinical Psychology Consultant to the U.S. Army Surgeon General, USA
Living and Surviving in Harm's Way contains a masterful understanding of the American defender by the collaborators which merits serious attention from those responsible for the welfare of the guardians of our republic and the freedoms we adore. This book is a must read for military leaders who wish to understand their soldiers, and anyone interested in understanding the often misrepresented challenges warriors are faced with . -Thomas Gonzalez, Command Sergeant Major, 71st EOD Group, Fort Carson, Co., USA
An impressive academic text thoroughly inundating the reader in the soldier's worldview. Imminently useful. I count myself fortunate to have had an opportunity to read [this book] and plan to refer to [it] often. -Joseph Hansel, PhD., APA Division 18 Newsletter, Spring 2010
[This book] summarizes some of the mroe useful current information about the treatment of PTSD and related conditions. A timely, helpful reference for clinicians working in the area of combat-related trauma. Some of the chapters...are of particular interest because they address topics not commonly found in most books on combat stress disorders. It would also be useful to assign specific chapters to trainees in pertinent fields since some of this material deals with basics about combat and trauma, while other chapters present more innovative ideas. I feel that clinicians who treat the unseen wounds of war will find themselves referring to Living and Surviving in Harm's Way often and will be glad to have it in their libraries. - Susan H. Houston in PsycCRITIQUES, Vol. 55, Release 17
As more and more military service members return from their tours with psychological injuries and disabilities, expect to see a proliferation of books on military psychology and mental health treatment--but don't expect to see many with the depth and scope of the present volume. If you work with military service members, this will be an indispensible addition of your clinical reference library. -Daniel Clark, Editor, International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2009
...a comprehensive and stimulating resource designed to increase awareness and understanding of the multitude of stressors that can accompany a military career...The editors and authors have infused a wealth of references and empirical support throughout the book, increasing its credibility and offering resources for further inquiry... This resource encompasses wide-ranging aspects of the psychological challenge that can be associated with the military experience, including anxiety, depression, substance abuse, sleep disorders, violence, grief and invaluable reference for any helping professional interested in understanding the impacts of military life, and it is strongly recommended for those who wish to provide services to this unique population. - Michelle A. Weigel, Counseling Today
As more and more military service members return from their tours with psychological injuries and disabilities, expect to see a proliferation of book son military psychology and mental health treatment--but don't expect to see many with the depth and scope of the present volume. By definition, a 'handbook' is a repository of practical wisdom that professionals can refer to when needed. If you work with military service members, this will be an indispensible addition of your clinical reference library. - International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2009
The editors and authors present a compendium of assessment and treatment methods for helping veterans and their families in the context of the current Middle East war environment. It is a valuable treatment resource for mental health clinicians, especially those lacking a military background. The appealing features of this book include helpful lists and tables supporting the authors' main points in many chapters. The varied background of authors gives a wide representation of viewpoints that provide more details about the military and how to approach prevention of disorder, building of strength, and the assessment and treatment of service members and their families who suffer distress. - James E. McCarroll, PhD, MPH, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Volume 198(7), July 2010
Clinicicans who may be new to DoD or VA clinics can utilize this book to familiarize themselves with various aspects of military culture and the roels played by behavioral health providers within that culture. This book makes a unique contribution to the literautre on treating service members and veterans, as the authors emphasize wellness and positive approaches to treating deployed and returned military personnel. Overall, [this book] is a foundational resource for any clinican, researcher, or trainee who works with service members or veterans. An excellent reference that provides an orientation to military culture, a framework for case conceptualization within this culture, and specific guidelines for treatment when working with service members and veterans. As the number of service members with symptoms of PTSD increases daily, those who treat these symptoms can rely on this resource for guidance. - Captain Tim Hoyt, Ph.D., US Army Medical Service Corps, Tacoma, WA, in Trauma Psychology: APA Divison 56 Newsletter, Fall 2010
This is a large book with a large mission: to provide mental health practitioners with individual clinical guidelines as well as broad administrative recommendations for psychologically preparing service members for deployment, providing effective clinical interventions during their service, and - a topic often neglected in other sources - dealing with the myriad post-deployment stresses and challenges that affect returning services members. By definition, a handbook is a repository of practical wisdom that professionals can refer to when needed. If you are a mental health clinician who works with military service members, this will be an indispensible addition of your clinical reference library. - Laurence Miller, PhD, International Journal of Emergency Mental Health