Game Science in Hybrid Learning Spaces (Digital Games, Simulations, and Learning)

Game Science in Hybrid Learning Spaces (Digital Games, Simulations, and Learning)

by NotAvailable (Unknown)


Game Science in Hybrid Learning Spaces explores the potential, implications, and impact of game-based approaches and interventions in response to the blurring of boundaries between digital and physical as well as formal and informal learning spaces and contexts. The book delves into the concept, opportunities, and challenges of hybrid learning, which aims to reduce the barriers of time and physical space in teaching and learning practices, fostering seamless, sustained, and measurable learning experience and outcomes beyond the barriers of formal education and physical learning contexts.

Based on original research, Game Science in Hybrid Learning Spaces establishes trans-disciplinary and holistic considerations for further conceptual and empirical investigation into this topic, with the dual goals of a better understanding of the role of game-based approaches in a blended environment and of the possible structural and cultural transformation of formal education and lifelong learning. This book is an essential guide for researchers, designers, teachers, learners and practitioners who want to better understand the relationship between games and learning that merges digital and physical experiences and blends formal and informal instructions.



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More Information

Format: Paperback
Edition: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Published: 08 Jun 2019

ISBN 10: 1138239763
ISBN 13: 9781138239760