We are the garden. The gardeners are Extra-terrestrials from other worlds. The ancient astronaut theory that ETs were responsible for human evolution becomes a reality as the story of the origin of life on Earth is brought forth through hypnosis. A young man wanting to explore past life regression discovers this is his first lifetime on Earth. All of his other existences were on alien worlds and in other dimensions. As the unique case is explored further, he finds that his association with Extra-terrestrials did not cease with these other lives. The interaction with UFOs and aliens has continued during all of his present life, although the information was protectively hidden by his subconscious. He discovers that before entry into this life he agreed to be the experimentee, rather than the experimenter. This strange case reveals the motives behind present day involvement between UFOs and humans, and the hopes and expectations of our creators for this garden. A fascinating range of planetary civilisations is described, their cities, technologies and purposes, and a vivid impression is gained of how different are life and agendas in fifth and sixth-dimensional worlds, compared with our very limited and physical three-dimensional one. Other books by Dolores Cannon Legacy From the Starts.