Service Automation: Robots and the Future of Work
by Leslie P. Willcocks (Author), Mary Lacity (Author), Mary Lacity (Author), Leslie P. Willcocks (Author)
The hype and fear, globally, that surrounds service automation, robots and the future of work need to be punctured by in-depth research. This book, by Professors Leslie Willcocks and Mary Lacity, captures a year's worth of learning about service automation based on a survey, in-depth client case studies, and interviews with service automation clients, providers, and advisors. The authors cleverly embed today's empirical lessons into the broader history and context of automation, as a vital key in understanding the fast-rising phenomenon of service automation. The authors give a balanced, informed and compelling view on gaining the many benefits, as well as managing the downsides, of present and future technologies. The book has a number of key selling points: The authors are globally recognised for outstanding, world-class research; the book describes types of automation and gives evidence for multiple business benefits; in-depth case studies are included - from clients, providers and advisors of service automation; 25 key lessons are given, on how to deploy service automation in the workplace and there is a focus on the future of work, including robotic process automation, with valuable predictions and critique.
The hype and fear, globally, that surrounds service automation, robots and the future of work need to be punctured by in-depth research. This book, by Professors Leslie Willcocks and Mary Lacity, captures a year's worth of learning about service automation based on a survey, in-depth client case studies, and interviews with service automation clients, providers, and advisors. The authors cleverly embed today's empirical lessons into the broader history and context of automation, as a vital key in understanding the fast-rising phenomenon of service automation. The authors give a balanced, informed and compelling view on gaining the many benefits, as well as managing the downsides, of present and future technologies. The book has a number of key selling points: The authors are globally recognised for outstanding, world-class research; the book describes types of automation and gives evidence for multiple business benefits; in-depth case studies are included - from clients, providers and advisors of service automation; 25 key lessons are given, on how to deploy service automation in the workplace and there is a focus on the future of work, including robotic process automation, with valuable predictions and critique.
The hype and fear, globally, that surrounds service automation, robots and the future of work need to be punctured by in-depth research. This book, by Professors Leslie Willcocks and Mary Lacity, captures a year's worth of learning about service automation based on a survey, in-depth client case studies, and interviews with service automation clients, providers, and advisors. The authors cleverly embed today's empirical lessons into the broader history and context of automation, as a vital key in understanding the fast-rising phenomenon of service automation. The authors give a balanced, informed and compelling view on gaining the many benefits, as well as managing the downsides, of present and future technologies. The book has a number of key selling points: The authors are globally recognised for outstanding, world-class research; the book describes types of automation and gives evidence for multiple business benefits; in-depth case studies are included - from clients, providers and advisors of service automation; 25 key lessons are given, on how to deploy service automation in the workplace and there is a focus on the future of work, including robotic process automation, with valuable predictions and critique.