The Accursed Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau: No. 1 (Keys of Antiquity)

The Accursed Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau: No. 1 (Keys of Antiquity)

by etc. (Translator), Bill Kersey (Translator), Gerard de Sede (Author), Bill Kersey (Translator)


This book is the English translation from the French book by Gerard de Sede outlining the mystery of Rennnes, that fascinating tale of the ancient treasures of the Visigoths. The mysterious priest of Rennes-le-Chateau, Berenger Sauniere, who uncovered this secret beckons us to follow the clues he built into his domain as a legacy for the future. It is a tale steeped in mystery and intrigue, and the blood of those who met untimely deaths in guarding and searching for the treasures. Berenger Sauniere, the mysterious Priest of Rennes-le-Chateau apparently discovered something in his hilltop village which enabled him to amass and spend a fortune. Between 1891 and his death in 1917 Abbe Berenger Sauniere disposed of more than one and a half thousand million old francs, valued in 1913 at GBP60m. Was the village of Rennes-le-Chateau the centre of a fabulous discovery? What was the secret possessed by Abbe Sauniere? De Sede's research led to over 600 books and television documentaries on the subject, putting Rennes-le-Chateau alongisde the Loch Ness Monster as one of the world's unsolved mysteries. The story describes the curious architecture he built into his domain and the Church of Rennes-le-Chateau and its setting in the Languedoc landscape. The historical background together with the associated myths and legends provides an intesting backdrop into the mystery surrounding the treasures guarded by ciphers contained in parchments and built into ancient tombstones. The macabre setting of the tale highlights the accursed nature of the history in describing the murders of local Priests who were connected with the saga. For more information refer to the website www



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More Information

Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
Publisher: DEK Publishing
Published: 01 Oct 2001

ISBN 10: 0954152700
ISBN 13: 9780954152703

Author Bio
Gerard de Sede born Lioux, France 5 June 1921; married Sophie; died 29 May 2004. De Sede was responsible for introducing the world to the mystery of Rennes-le-Chatteau, a real life historical detective story, set in the Languedoc in south-west France. In 1967, de Sede wrote L'Or de Rennes, ou La Vie insolite de Berenger Sauniere, cure de Rennes-le-Chateau ( The Gold of Rennes, or The Strange Life of Bereger Sauniere, Priest of Rennes-le-Chatteau ), which later appeared in the J'ai Lu paperback series as Le Tresor maudit de Rennes-le-Chateau (translated as The Accursed Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau . De Sede was initially published as a surrealist writer in 1941 during the German occupation of France, and at the age of only 21 he was a member of the Surrealist group known as La Main a Plume . De Sede himself has named the group in trucating a phrase from Rimbaud, La main a plume vaut la main a charrue ( the hand that writes is equal to the hand that ploughs ). His L'Incendie habitable ( The Inhabitable Fire ) appeared in 1943 as the third of 12 issues of the group's periodical. He received 2 citations for his activity with the Forces Francaises de I'Interieur (FFI) during the liberation of Paris. Following a wide ranging career in the 1940s and 1950s, which embraced newspaper selling, tunnel-boring and journalism, he became an agrictulteur in 1956. Several of his publications, from the 1960s onwards, were written with his wife, Sophie. More recently, de Sede looked critically at the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau. In Rennes-le-Chateau: le dossier, les impostures, les phantasmes, les hypotheses (1988) he surveyed some of the publications which had appeared over the previous 20 years, analysing the theories and their proponents. Through his more than 40 works, de Sede's writings on alternative history have remained controversial. Some authors have even suggested that the entire Rennes-le-Chateau mystery may not be real at all, but instead an elaborate prank hatched in the 1950s by de Sede and a coterie of friends. Whatever the secret may be, as de Sede himself pointed out in Le Tresor maudit, quoting Andre Breton, The imaginary is something that tends to become true . (Extracts from Marcus Williamson's obituary -