A dictionary of the basic business vocabulary used in both British and American English. It contains 12,500 basic business terms. The terms cover all aspects of business life from the office to the stock exchange and international trade fairs. The vocabulary covers all aspects of everyday business usage; office practice, buying and selling, banking, insurance, stock exchange, warehousing and distribution. Differences between British and American usage are highlighted. The definitions are given in simple English, using only 460 words in addition to the words already listed in the dictionary. This makes it useful for students whose first language is not English. Short grammatical notes cover tricky constructions, irregular verb forms and differences in spelling and construction between British and American English. Throughout the text short quotations are given from current newspapers and magazines, to show that the terms used in the dictionary do exist in real life . The quotes come from British, American, Canadian, Australian and Hong Kong sources. The supplement section covers financial documents, numbers and measurements, using the phone, writing business letters and foreign currencies.
A dictionary of the basic business vocabulary used in both British and American English. It contains thousands of basic business terms. The terms cover all aspects of business life from the office to the stock exchange and international trade fairs. The vocabulary covers all aspects of everyday business usage; office practice, buying and selling, banking, insurance, stock exchange, warehousing and distribution. Differences between British and American usage are highlighted. The definitions are given in simple English, using only 460 words in addition to the words already listed in the dictionary. This makes it useful for students whose first language is not English. Throughout the text short quotations are given from current newspapers and magazines, to show that the terms used in the dictionary do exist in real life . The quotes come from British, American, Canadian, Australian and Hong Kong sources. 'This is definitely the one I would recommend' - Times Educational Supplement