This guide for the novice writer, whether of fiction, biography or book-length commentary, deals with both the creative process of writing and the practicalities of getting published. The author identifies perseverence as a key element in the cycle of writing, cutting and rewriting. He aims to demonstrate that character is the fountainhead of literature, both fiction and non-fiction, and how the aspiring writer can build his or her command of and control over the characters so that their development drives the narrative to a persuasive conclusion. An examination is then made of the processes of research, cutting and rewriting - daunting prospects for the beginner, but essential to the production of a well-crafted text. Also explored are the problem of writer's block and how it can be turned to advantage, the importance of discovering and nurturing relationships with the right publisher and editor and the negotiation of contracts. The book is intended as a source of encouragement to would-be writers who lack self-discipline and a handbook for those already on the creative path. The South African author has studied motivational psychology, economics and business management at universities in South Africa, Australia and the United States. Under various names he has written more than 20 books, including Reverse Negative , The Zaharoff Commission and Sinkhole .