Nurtured in the lap of comfort, educated at Eton and Cambridge, the hero of the British sport-loving public, C. T. Studd, whose Cambridge career has been described as one long blaze of cricketing glory , created a stir in the secular world of his youth by renouncing wealth and position to follow Christ. He was captain of the Eton XI in 1879, and of Cambridge University in 1883, being accorded in the latter year (vide The Cricketing Annual) the premier position as an all-round cricketer for the second year in succession . The illness of a brother brought him face to face with realities and the transitoriness of worldly riches and fame. He obeyed the divine command, Go thy way, sell what thou hast and give to the poor ...take up thy cross and follow me , throwing himself into the work which had called him with the same thoroughness and earnestness with which he had learned to play a straight bat . Henceforward his life was dedicated to the service of God and his fellow men, and the story of his labours and adventures makes an epic of faith and courage against great odds that will be an inspiration to all who rejoice in a tale of high endeavour.