Jonathan Black examines the end of the world and the coming of the Antichrist - or is he already here? How will he make himself known and what will become of the world when he does? - and the end of Time. Having studied theology and learnt from initiates of all the great secret societies of the world, Jonathan Black has learned that it is possible to reach an altered state of consciousness in which we can see things about the way the world works that hidden from our everyday commonsensical consciousness. This history shows that by using secret techniques, people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton and George Washington have worked themselves into this altered state - and been able to access supernatural levels of intelligence. This book will leave you questioning every aspect of your life and spotting hidden messages in the very fabric of society and life itself. It will open your mind to a new way of living and leave you questioning everything you have been taught - and everything you've taught your children.
Here for the first time is a complete history of the world, from the beginning of time to the present day, based on the beliefs and writings of the secret societies. From the esoteric account of the evolution of the species to the occult roots of science, from the secrets of the Flood to the esoteric motives behind American foreign policy, here is a narrative history that shows the basic facts of human existence on this planet can be viewed from a very different angle. Everything in this history is upside down, inside out and the other way around. At the heart of The Secret History of the World is the belief that we can reach an altered state of consciousness in which we can see things about the way the world works that are hidden from us in our everyday, commonsensical consciousness. This history shows that by using secret techniques, people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton and George Washington have worked themselves into this altered state - and been able to access supernatural levels of intelligence. There have been many books on the subject, but, extraordinarily, no-one has really listened to what the secret societies themselves say.
The author has been helped in his researches by his friendship with a man who is an initiate of more than one secret society, and in one case an initiate of the highest level.
The book is based on twenty years research and, crucially, the author has been helped to understand what is encoded in key texts by a high level initiate of more than one secret society, in one case initiated to the highest degree. Leonardo, Newton, Washington, Napoleon and an astonishing number of the great men and women who have made history are shown to have used the secret techniques to achieve altered states that have been nurtured and preserved by the societies. There, they believe, they access a higher intelligence and see the world as it really is. Great works of art, scientific discoveries and historic decisions are shown to have arisen out of these altered states - and with a remarkable unanimity of purpose. This history is crammed with more esoteric believe-it-or-nots than any book since Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine , but it does also have a serious, philosophical undertow, which is the suggestion that with a slight shift in consciousness, the world and its history can be seen to be very different to what we have been brought up to believe.