by RonnieFloyd (Author)
Every day we encounter scores of people headed to an eternity without God. What will it take to wake us up to their desperate need for a Savior? While the earth's time clock ticks away, well-meaning Christians go to church, pay their tithes, and pray for foreign missionaries going through the motions of Christian life as millions face an eternity without God. If heaven is indeed for real, and only those who have put their faith in Christ will be given entrance, shouldn't we be making the most of every opportunity to share the Gospel, the last great hope for all the world? Join pastor Ronnie Floyd as he challenges readers to face reality and begin a global movement to reach the lost. He says, "God is calling us to an awakening regarding his most urgent command found in Matthew 28:19 to go and make disciples of all nations. This Great Commission is the compelling charge given to us with divine authority by our Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ." "Our Last Great Hope" will move us beyond casualand theoretical talk about the Great Commissionand lead us into a Great Awakening. This book could revolutionize the way we think. . . . Read it and be inspired, changed, and equipped. Bruce Wilkinson, best-selling author of "The Prayer of Jabez" Floyd challenges us to engage the next generation . . . a must-read. Greg Surratt, lead pastor of Seacoast Church and author of "IR-REV-REND" This book inspires me to do extraordinary things through my most ordinary life."Our Last Great Hope" should be your fi rst required read. Leonard Sweet, best-selling author of "Jesus Manifesto" "Our Last Great Hope" pushes us beyond predictability and points us to a deep, intimate knowledge of why we are here. Ed Young Jr., pastor of Fellowship Church and author of "Outrageous," "Contagious Joy" I ll be pulling this book off my shelf again and again. Pete Wilson, author of" Plan B" and "Empty Promises" This book is an energizing wake-up call to today s churches. Ed Stetzer, director of LifeWay Research"
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Published: 06 Sep 2011
ISBN 10: 0849947073
ISBN 13: 9780849947070