by Connie Smith Siegel (Author)
"Spirit of Drawing" is an intriguing series of illustrated visual experiments that combine meditation, expressive therapy, and hands-on exploration with drawing media. Author Connie Smith Siegel's ideas, build on the meditation practice of sensory awareness, a blending of buddhist meditation and simple physical activities. Applied to creative expression, sensory awareness distills drawing and painting to their simplest components: touching, seeing, and moving. In this unusual and freeing book, artists learn to use these new sensations to guide their hands towards the movements, shapes, and colours that express what they are feeling. Not only do the artists produce a work of art, they express their emotions and inner wisdom. Techniques gradually build to more complex visual expressions, such as representational drawing, colour theory, composition, and to the use of art in healing.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
Publisher: Watson-Guptill
Published: 01 Jan 2008
ISBN 10: 0823032124
ISBN 13: 9780823032129