If you rely on a flash to control the amount of light entering your camera, shooting may seem haphazard. The author of this book argues that this need not be the case, because many of today's film speeds of 800, 1600 and faster, make using flash equipment unnecessary. This book aims to teach the reader how to create better portrait lighting to rival studio set-ups, and to make shooting in low light easier, allowing more beautiful pictures to be created rather than those that can be created by using flash on its own. Illustrated with photographs by Jay Maisel, Eduardo Fuss, Sonja Bullaty and Angelo Lomeo, this book covers subjects such as sunrises, city streets, one-sided light, reflected light, mood lighting, landscapes, seascapes, interiors, portraits, close-ups, reflections, infa-red shots, time exposures and backlighting. The author has written over 35 books on photography including Developing your own Photographic Style and Selling Photographs Based on research from primary sources, this book uses interviews and correspondence with former Commandos in an attempt to reveal the true story of those who wore the Green Beret. The book tackles the history of the Middle East Commandos of 1940-1941 as well as the operations of the Small Scale Raiding force, the intelligence gathering of No 30 Commando unit and the secret X Troop of No 10, inter-allied, Commando. The book Selling Photographs .