by Ackbar Abbas (Contributor), Mo Zell (Contributor), Charles Waldheim (Contributor), Georgia Butina Watson (Contributor), Andrew Kincaid (Contributor), Ackbar Abbas (Contributor), Linda Krause (Editor), Charles Waldheim (Contributor), Alfonso Iracheta (Contributor), Sherry Ahrentzen (Contributor), Linda McCarthy (Contributor), Paula J. Massood (Contributor), Andrew Kincaid (Contributor), Linda Krause (Editor), Mo Zell (Contributor)
What has happened to cities after the global economic recession? Sustaining Cities answers this question by explaining how failed governmental policies contributed to urban problems and offering best practices for solving them.
From social scientists and urban planners to architects and literary and film critics, the authors of this unique collection suggest real responses to this crisis. Could the drastic declines in housing markets have been avoided? Yes, if we reframe our housing values. Do you want to attract corporate investment to your town? You might want to think twice about doing so. The extinction of the Celtic Tiger may be charted in statistics, but the response in popular Irish mystery novels is much more compelling. China, while not immune to market vicissitudes, still booms, but at a considerable cost to its urban identities.
Whether constructing a sustainable social framework for Mexican mega-cities or a neighborhood in London, these nine essays consider some strikingly similar strategies. And perhaps, as the contributors suggest, it's time to look beyond the usual boundaries of urban, suburban, and exurban to forge new links among these communities that will benefit all citizens. Accessible to anyone with an interest in how cities cope today, Sustaining Cities presents a cautionary tale with a hopeful ending.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 178
Edition: None ed.
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Published: 15 Dec 2012
ISBN 10: 0813554152
ISBN 13: 9780813554150
LINDA KRAUSE is an associate dean and associate professor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is a coeditor of Global Cities: Cinema, Architecture, and Urbanism in a Digital Age (Rutgers University Press).