In a succinct and far-reaching analysis, David Held provides an introduction to major theories of democracy from classical Greece to the present, along with a critical discussion of what democracy should mean today. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to take into account significant transformations in world politics. A new chapter on deliberative democracy has been added, which focuses on how citizen participation can be increased in politics, and how that participation can become more informed. Like its predecessor, the third edition of Models of Democracy combines lucid exposition and clarity of expression with careful scholarship and originality, making it highly attractive to students and experts in the field. The third edition will prove essential reading for all those interested in politics, political theory, and political philosophy.
How should we understand the nature and scope of democracy? To what domains of life should it be applied? Or, alternatively, should democracy be clearly defined to maintain other important ends? This study examines changing responses to these questions from classical Athens to modern times. The context, nature and limits of each major development in democratic theory are explored. Among the thinkers discussed are Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Wollstonecraft, Rousseau, Mill and Marx, as well as 20th-century analysts of democracy including Weber, Dahl, Hayek and Macpherson. The book concludes with an argument that seeks to move contemporary discussion beyond the seemingly endless juxtaposition of one classical position with another. It defends a conception of democracy that departs decisively from both the liberal and Marxist traditions. David Held is the author of Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas , Habermas: Critical Debates , co-author of Classes, Power and Conflict: Classical and Contemporary Debates , States and Societies and State and Society in Contemporary Britain .
The first two editions of Models of Democracy have proven immensely popular among students and specialists worldwide. In a succinct and far-reaching analysis, David Held provides an introduction to central accounts of democracy from classical Greece to the present and a critical discussion of what democracy should mean today. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to take account of significant transformations in world politics, and a new chapter has been added on deliberative democracy which focuses not only on how citizen participation can be increased in politics, but also on how that participation can become more informed. Like its predecessor, the third edition of Models of Democracy combines lucid exposition and clarity of expression with careful scholarship and originality, making it highly attractive to students and experts in the field. The third edition will prove essential reading for all those interested in politics, political theory and political philosophy.
A companion website to Models of Democracy provides lecturer and student resources; including a study guide, an interview with the author and links to develop the reader's understanding of the topics covered.