Learn how to convey your message confidently by improving your skills in every form of communication. Create space in your day by identifying time-wasting traps and planning your time realistically and effectively. Improve your managerial technique by discovering how to make productive, informed decisions. Free your time, establish trust and develop staff relationships by learning delegating techniques. Bring out the best in people by encouraging individual initiatives and rewarding achievement. Maximize team standards by building up an outstanding team, releasing creativity and achieving targets. Make meetings work for you by planning carefully, understanding procedures and concluding successfully. Improve your presentation skills by learning how to prepare fully, speak with confidence and handle an audience. Learn effective negotiation by discovering how to start strongly, establish common ground and close a deal. Find the best person for the job by learning to control an interview, read body language and analyse information. Discover how to adapt to new situations by anticipating and planning for change, and understanding its effects.
Improve stressful ways of working by learning how to prioritize, delegate and reorganize your work.