Inspired by the groundbreaking work of Morton Deutsch, a pioneer in applied social psychology. The contributors-all authorities in their fields and former students or colleagues of Deutsch-include leading thinkers from schools and departments of sociology, psychology, education, and management, with expertise ranging from labor relations to school-based conflict resolution to cooperative education programs and business policy. Each chapter focuses on one of the three areas of Deutsch's work-conflict, cooperation, and justice-with a commentary by Deutsch himself concluding each section. This volume is both a tribute to the work of Deutsch and a cross-disciplinary contribution to theory and practice in conflict, cooperation, and justice-with applications that cut across business, community, political, and other social groups.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 480
Edition: 1
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Published: 10 May 1995
ISBN 10: 0787900699
ISBN 13: 9780787900694