Designed to accompany the ground-breaking TV series Ancient Egyptians -- due for screening in November 2003 -- this superbly illustrated children's book looks at one of the world's earliest civilizations, exploring how the people lived, loved, worshipped and died. Printed in full colour throughout, Ancient Egyptians features stunning computer generated images created using cutting edge technology. These images, along with live action stills from the TV series, museum artefacts and in situ photography, combine to create a unique visual experience that will appeal to children in the 8-12 age range, as well as a wider family audience. With a host of fascinating fact boxes and special features, the book explores major themes in the history of Ancient Egypt, from Pharaohs and Gods, and Wars and Warfare, to Crime and Punishment and Rituals of Death. Within this thematic context are related the extraordinary events surrounding four real life incedents, as feartured in the TV series. The book concludes with a glossary and index.