BILLY, the ground-breaking biography of the nation's favourite iconoclast, gave millions of readers a fascinating insight into the personal and professional life of the genius that is Billy Connolly. Then, in the sequel to that bestselling book, the award-winning Pamela Stephenson celebrated life with the Scottish beastie as he hit the big six-oh. In it we relive colourful and epic moments from Billy's early life in Glasgow - the background to an intimate portrait of his marriage with Pamela and his life in Scotland, LA and the rest of the world. Witty, insightful and intimate, BRAVEMOUTH draws the reader into two very different worlds - hers of international sexology and the serious psychology of humorists, his of incontinence pants, being married to a shrink...and the finer points of banjo playing.
Mrs Billy Connolly's tale of a more-than-usually extraordinary year in the life of living with her husband is as insightful, entertaining, serious and wacky as you'd expect from the author of the megaselling Billy. Bravemouth is the ultimate insider's view of his filming, his charity works, his sixtieth birthday party, the TV and includes personal insight into what makes him tick, and what makes her tick (it's her year too). It's a celebration but it's interspersed with serious reflection - both on what he does and what she does (the contrast between the inherent seriousness of what she does, compared to the zaniness of what he does). The nature of fame, the challenges of age, the triumph-over-adversity are all themes underlying the many anecdotes that combine to make this into a must-read for Billy and Pamela's millions of fans.
Billy , the ground-breaking biography of the nation's favourite iconoclast, gave millions of readers a fascinating insight into the personal and professional life of the genius that is Billy Connolly. Now, in the sequel to that bestselling book, the award-winning Pamela Stephenson celebrates life with the Scottish beastie as he hits the big six-oh. Here we relive colourful and epic moments from Billy's early life in Glasgow - the background to an intimate portrait of his marriage with Pamela and his life in Scotland, LA and the rest of the world. Witty, insightful and intimate, Bravemouth draws the reader into two very different worlds - hers of international sexology and the serious psychology of humorists, his of incontinence pants, being married to a shrink...and the finer points of banjo playing.
BILLY, the ground-breaking biography of the nation's favourite iconoclast, gave millions of readers a fascinating insight into the personal and professional life of the genius that is Billy Connolly. Then, in the sequel to that bestselling book, the award-winning Pamela Stephenson celebrated life with the Scottish beastie as he hit the big six-oh. In it we relive colourful and epic moments from Billy's early life in Glasgow - the background to an intimate portrait of his marriage with Pamela and his life in Scotland, LA and the rest of the world. Witty, insightful and intimate, BRAVEMOUTH draws the reader into two very different worlds - hers of international sexology and the serious psychology of humorists, his of incontinence pants, being married to a shrink...and the finer points of banjo playing.