by Mary Maguire (Author)
Create delightful projects to turn your garden into a home for birds. Choose from 30 projects, from the classic to the quirky, to create your own birdhouse, table, nesting box, bird feeder or bird bath - each one beautiful, functional and highly individual. It includes traditional, classic designs plus more contemporary projects, as well as tips for decorating existing birdhouses and tables. Projects give clear, step-by-step instructions to suit beginners as well as the more experienced. The projects encompass a wide range of designs, materials, techniques and decorations. It shows you how to make your garden a haven for birds and provides you with all the information you will need on the feeding habits, the way birds behave, and habitat requirements of garden birds. The presence of birds in the garden is a wonderful sight and great pleasure can be gained from learning how to recognize regular visitors and become familiar with their habits. For the birds, gardens are necessary for their survival as former areas of natural habitat are being taken over and sometimes, disappearing altogether. It is not difficult to make your garden an attractive and bird-friendly environment. Whether you decide to create a traditional, hand-painted bird box or opt for a different approach by turning an old boot into a birdhouse, this book will certainly provide you with plenty of beautiful and practical ideas.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 96
Publisher: Lorenz Books
Published: 30 Jun 2013
ISBN 10: 0754826767
ISBN 13: 9780754826767