The flabby appearance of hips and thighs is perhaps the most common complaint about their appearance among women, but the one area they can do little about while sitting down at work all day. This set of exercises, based on the 10-Minute approach that has successfully helped target other problem areas, are easy to fit into a busy schedule and, if done as advised, should help build a leaner, more toned and fitter figure in just ten minutes a day. Advice on general fitness, including eating healthily and the right kind of exercises for the shape you want to achieve precedes warming-up and cooling-down moves for a complete workout. The exercises are laid out step-by-step with clear illustrations showing exactly how to perform the exercise in order to get the best out of your time without injuring yourself. Helping you think about your overall fitness while targeting that most stubborn of areas, these routines should allow you to sit through the day with confidence.