Every indicator of public interest suggests that at the end of the millennium millions of people are dissatisfied with the limits that science and technology impose on what is considered possible. Jonathan Margolis - a devout and self-confessed rationalist - was persuaded by his teenage son to meet Uri Geller, whom he had always regarded as a fraud. During the meeting Geller bent a spoon (bought specially from the Margolis kitchen), read Jonathan's mind and executed an identical drawing to Jonathan's son's while his back was turned. Jonathan began research, and discovered that while magicians are almost unanimous in their condemnation of Geller, no scientist in 30 years, after running tests on Geller, has disputed that he has paranormal powers. He can predict the weather, natural disasters, aeroplane crashes. He has worked with the Pentagon, the CIA and the FBI, who once placed him on a flight next to two KGB agents who were flying with diplomatic pouches chained to their arms - his job was to erase the floppy disks in the bags. Oil and mining companies use him: the chairman of one Australian company has declared, 'I will never drill an oil well without asking Uri Geller's advice first.' Margolis has moved from a position of deepest scepticism to one of conviction. He has written this biography with Geller's full co-operation.