'It was the first New Year's Eve that anyone could remember that there hadn't been crowds celebrating at midnight in Trafalgar Square. 'It's like a blooming churchyard,' Phyl Jennings whispered to her cousin Jo as they trudged through the snowy streets on their way to report for the late-night shift at the Marble Arch Corner House. 'I mean, any other New Year's Eve there'd be gangs of people dancing and singing in the streets, the pubs would be packed full and the Square would be one big party. Now look at it - no Christmas lights, no music, nothing nice is happening at all.' So begins 1940 for the Nippies at the Lyons Corner House at Marble Arch. KISS THE GIRLS GOODBYE follows the lives of the five waitresses we met in CORNER HOUSE GIRLS observing their families, boyfriends, husbands, customers and friends through the harrowing period of the Second World War. There are bombs and blackouts, curfews and rationing, romances and terrible losses but through it all, come what may, the Corner House will be open for business.
Set in a Lyon's Corner House in London, this is the second novel in the series set against the backdrop of the Second World War which began with CORNER HOUSE GIRLS. 'The Corner House was making a good job of New Year's Eve, despite the bad weather, the blackout, the looming threat of rationing...The Nippies were dashing to and fro with their big silver trays and the war seemed suddenly far away.' So begins 1940 for the Nippies at the Lyons Corner House at Marble Arch. But despite putting on a cheerful face for the customers, the war is taking its toll on all the waitresses: for Maggie, married just a few hours and then parted from her husband; for Jo and Phyl, anxiously waiting for news from their fiances; for Etty, and the constant jibes she faces about her background; and even for Irene, who begins a new friendship which is not all it appears to be...
31st December 1939 It was the first New Year's Eve that anyone could remember that there hadn't been crowds celebrating at midnight in Trafalgar Square. 'It's like a blooming churchyard,' Phyl Jennings whispered to her cousin Jo as they trudged through the snowy streets on their way to report for the late-night shift at the Marble Arch Corner House. 'I mean, any other New Year's Eve there'd be gangs of people dancing and singing in the streets, the pubs would be packed full and the Square would be one big party. Now look at it - no Christmas lights, no music, nothing nice is happening at all.' So begins 1940 for the Nippies at the Lyons Corner House at Marble Arch. Kiss the Girls Goodbye follows the lives of the five waitresses we met in Corner House Girls observing their families, boyfriends, husbands, customers and friends through the harrowing period of the Second World War. There are bombs and blackouts, curfews and rationing, romances and terrible losses but through it all, come what may, the Corner House will be open for business.
Set in a Lyon's Corner House in London, this is the second novel in the series set against the backdrop of the Second World War which began with CORNER HOUSE GIRLS. 'The Corner House was making a good job of New Year's Eve, despite the bad weather, the blackout, the looming threat of rationing...The Nippies were dashing to and fro with their big silver trays and the war seemed suddenly far away.' So begins 1940 for the Nippies at the Lyons Corner House at Marble Arch. But despite putting on a cheerful face for the customers, the war is taking its toll on all the waitresses: for Maggie, married just a few hours and then parted from her husband; for Jo and Phyl, anxiously waiting for news from their fiances; for Etty, and the constant jibes she faces about her background; and even for Irene, who begins a new friendship which is not all it appears to be...