The story begins at the outset of the war and revolves around the lives of six Lyon's Corner House Waitresses or 'Nippies' as they are known for their speedy service. Each girl has a different personality, different family background and different experience of London in the Blitz. There are happy homes and less happy ones; there are brothers and lovers in the forces; there are children evacuated to the countryside and there are relationships that end in romance and tragedy. The Corner House with its high turnover of customers and interesting variety of staff provides the perfect backdrop for this heart-warming tale of war, love and loss, and Lilian Harry's vivid characters bring to life this fascinating period in British history.
The first in the Corner House series, set in a Lyons Corner House in London on the brink of the Second World War. When cousins Jo and Phyl decide to become Lyons Corner House waitresses, or 'Nippies', as they are known for their speedy service, they have no idea how their lives are about to change. They are whisked from family life in Woolwich to digs in London; they are transported from a factory and a grocer's shop to the wonderful dining rooms of Lyons, Marble Arch, and they swap their old overalls for the smart uniforms of the Corner House girls. Jo and Phyl settle in and make friends with both waitresses and customers. There are boyfriends, lovers and fiances, friendship and romance, but as the Second World War becomes increasingly imminent, the future of these men and women seems more and more uncertain.
The story begins at the outset of the war and revolves around the lives of six Lyon's Corner House Waitresses or 'Nippies' as they are known for their speedy service. Each girl has a different personality, different family background and different experience of London in the Blitz. There are happy homes and less happy ones; there are brothers and lovers in the forces; there are children evacuated to the countryside and there are relationships that end in romance and tragedy. The Corner House with its high turnover of customers and interesting variety of staff provides the perfect backdrop for this heart-warming tale of war, love and loss, and Lilian Harry's vivid characters bring to life this fascinating period in British history.
The first in the Corner House series, set in a Lyons Corner House in London on the brink of the Second World War. When cousins Jo and Phyl decide to become Lyons Corner House waitresses, or 'Nippies', as they are known for their speedy service, they have no idea how their lives are about to change. They are whisked from family life in Woolwich to digs in London; they are transported from a factory and a grocer's shop to the wonderful dining rooms of Lyons, Marble Arch, and they swap their old overalls for the smart uniforms of the Corner House girls. Jo and Phyl settle in and make friends with both waitresses and customers. There are boyfriends, lovers and fiances, friendship and romance, but as the Second World War becomes increasingly imminent, the future of these men and women seems more and more uncertain.