Suitable for managers on Certificate in Management programmes or Part I of Diploma in Management programmes accredited by BTEC or CNAA. Real examples and case studies are used throughout to illustrate points in a practical context. The book covers financial planning, including statistical and cost analysis, basic accounting procedures, methods of improving profitability and techniques of financial monitoring and control.
Broadbent and Cullen discuss the issues of financial planning, including statistical and cost analysis, basic accounting procedures, methods of improving profitability and techniques of financial monitoring and control. Real examples and case studies are used throughout to illustrate points in a practical context, and there are numerous exercises and worked examples. The new material in this second edition includes the use of external databases (such as FAME), capital budgeting, and more coverage of the public sector and the hotel sector, as well as a completely new chapter on pricing. This text is designed to provide the underpinning knowledge and understanding required for any competency-based management course. It is based on the Management Charter Initiative's Occupational Standards for Management NVQs and SVQs.
Managing Financial Resources addresses the complicated issues of financial planning and control. These include performance measures and cost analysis, methods of improving profitability and techniques of financial monitoring and control. Real examples and case studies are used throughout to illustrate points in a practical context. All chapters have been updated and new material has been added to extend the original text in areas such as public sector management issues, audit commission, capital investment decisions, stakeholder analysis for published reports and accounts, performance measurement, outsourcing, new developments in the public sector and transfer pricing. This book is based on the Management Charter Initiative's Occupational Standards for Management NVQs and SVQs at level 4. It is particularly suitable for managers on the Diploma in Management or part 1 of the Postgraduate Diploma, especially those accredited by the Chartered Management Institute and Edexcel but this also a useful text for practicing managers and those individuals studying for a MBA.