Meeting Customer Needs is ideal for managers seeking to establish or improve customer service and customer focus standards. This second edition provides all the information managers need to put effective customer service programmes into action. This book shows how internal communications, teamwork and teambuilding play a vital role in meeting customer needs. It includes action plans, sample communications and checklists for managers to adapt for their own purposes. Real examples and case studies are used throughout to illustrate points in a practical context. The book is based on the Management Charter Initiative's Occupational Standards for Management NVQs and SVQs at level 4. It is particularly suitable for managers on the Certificate in Management, or Part 1 of the Diploma, especially those accredited by the IM and Edexcel (formerly BTEC). Meeting Customer Needs is part of the highly successful series of textbooks for managers which cover the knowledge and understanding required as part of any competency-based management programme. The books cover the three main levels of management: supervisory/first-line management (NVQ level 3), middle management (Certificate/NVQ level 4) and senior management (Diploma/NVQ level 5). Also included are titles which cover management issues in particular sectors, such as schools or the public sector, in more depth.