Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you find it hard to relax after a stressful day at work? Do you find that you are drinking more than you should to wind down? This pocket-sized handbook explores natural and safe ways to relax and chill-out. It provides a total lifestyle plan to help you deal more effectively with stress and tension. Topics covered include: recipes for calming cocktails and drinks; a complete supplements programme; natural and safe alternatives to alcohol and tranquillisers; tips on how to cut back the amount of alcohol you consume; an illustrated step-by-step massage routine; and guided meditations to help you fully relax.
Are you addicted to coffee? Do you find it hard to function without a mid-morning chocolate bar? Would you struggle to go without your afternoon cigarette break? In this guide, Patrick Holford presents a pocket-sized gift-book on the natural and safe alternatives to these potentially harmful substances. He offers a total lifestyle plan to keep the reader energized, alert and productively buzzy without harmful side effects or the risk of addiction. Topics covered include: recipes for instant energy boosters, cocktails and snacks; tips on which supplements will give you an energy boost; natural and safe alternatives to caffeine; an illustrated step-by-step high energy exercise routine; emergency boosters for special occasions such as exams, job interviews or when you generally feel run down; and essential oils that stimulate you.
In this groundbreaking book you will discover how to stay happy, relaxed and 'high' using safe, natural and non-addictive substances. World-renowned psychologist and nutritionist Patrick Holford has teamed up with psychiatrist Dr Hyla Cass, expert in nutrition and mental health. Together they reveal ways to improve the quality of your life and help you feel on top of the world without resorting to artificial substances. You'll learn how to increase your energy, sharpen your mind, improve your mood, relax and beat stress, and feel connected - with herbs, nutritional supplements and simple lifestyle changes. You'll discover: - Natural blues busters such as St John's Wort and 5HTP to help you reduce depression and anxiety - Non-addictive ways to get an energy boost without resorting to caffeine or nicotine - How to reduce stress and anxiety naturally with relaxants such as Kava - Safe and effective alternatives to prescription drugs such as Prozac and Valium - Natural and legal alternatives to recreational drugs such as Ecstasy - Natural remedies and techniques to help you to reach a state of inner peace - And much more