An increasingly important issue in the recruiting, retention and motivation of good staff in the face of skills shortages and the demographic changes occurring in the 1990s, this book focuses on the development of salary administration towards the reward management approach. Salary mismanagement can often lead to staff demotivation and all its attendant problems. This new edition has been rewritten to reflect the changes in salary policy and procedures. There has been a greater emphasis placed on performance management and performance-related pay and changes in technology leading to different work and payment practices. The book covers in detail the concept of reward management and how it can best be applied to improve performance. New approaches to job evaluation, salary structure design and influences upon them are described and interpreted.
Examining all aspects of reward management in depth, this study considers how it functions within organizational and pay structures and in the context of an organization's business and human resource strategies. The authors define how reward management can be an integral part of an organization's management processes, making a major contribution to reaching its objectives. Reviewing the foundations of reward management - its philosophies, strategies and policies and the guiding principles governing how reward processes operate - it also examines the fundamental processes of establishing job size and values, and analyzes the various forms of reward structures and how they are designed and developed. Comprehensive and practical in its approach, the book shows that reward management is about performance: of individuals, teams and the whole organization. It examines in detail performance management processes and various approaches that can be adopted to paying for performance, skill and competence. Other specific topics covered include employee benefits, total remuneration and the management of reward processes. The book concludes with a review of issues and trends in reward management.
Based on the authors' experience, research and benchmarking activities, this definitive book explains that reward management is about performance - of individuals, teams and the whole organization. It examines in detail the processes and various approaches that can be adopted to achieve and reward outstanding skill and competence levels in the workplace. Comprehensive and highly practical in its approach, it takes a strategic perspective and addresses the wide gap that exists between theory and practice, with a focus on the implications for practitioners. This revised fifth edition includes new and updated chapters on age discrimination, bonus schemes, recognition schemes and pensions.