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The summer holidays are dragging on and Harry Potter can't wait for the start of the school year. There are spells to be learnt, potions to be brewed and Divination lessons (sigh) to be attended. Harry is expecting these: however, other quite unexpected events are already on the march. All Harry Potter titles are now available in large print. 'The world of Hogwarts is complete in every way the richness and scale of Rowling's invention is exhilerating.' - The Guardian .
Harry Potter is in his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, this new book opens with a difference with a very sinister encounter and a death in a darkened and empty house. In the meantime term goes on and there are spells to be learnt, potions to be brewed and (unluckily)Divination and Potions lessons to be attended. However, the atmosphere is darkening as, without Harry's knowledge, his worst enemy is preparing a fate for him that it seems is inescapable A dramatic, riveting and powerful latest read from JK Rowling, the master story-teller. 'Spectacularly action-packed plot Rowling's story exerts a relentless pull.' Heat 'Somewhere in this enchanting mixture is a formula so brilliant it eludes analysis . Rich and demanding stuff .' The Mail on Sunday 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has finally been unleashed. And is it good? You bet it is. Harry's - and our -fourth year at Hogwarts is funny, full of delicious parodies of our own world, and wildly action-packed.' The Times
The summer holidays are dragging on and Harry Potter can't wait for the start of the school year. It is his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and there are spells to be learnt and (unluckily) Potions and Divination lessons to be attended. But Harry can't know that the atmosphere is darkening around him, and his worst enemy is preparing a fate that it seems will be inescapable ...With characteristic wit, fast-paced humour and marvellous emotional depth, J.K. Rowling has proved herself yet again to be a master story-teller.
It's the pivotal fourth novel in the seven-part saga of a young wizard's coming of age. The thickest. The juiciest yet. Harry Potter turns fourteen. But will all his friends? Rumors have persisted that one of the characters may not see the conclusion of this novel, something the author has refused either to confirm or deny. But we who love Ron, Hermione, Hagrid...even pitiful Neville Longbottom...wait anxiously to see if they will make it through safely. No one's fate is certain when Volde -- excuse me -- He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is part of the picture.What is certain is that a novel of excruciating suspense awaits, leavened by J. K. Rowling's inimitable sense of humor and the burgeoning details of her magical world. Whether it's taking a front-row seat at the International Quidditch World Cup, or meeting the new Defense-Against-the-Dark-Arts teacher, or finding out if Harry really does start a romance with Cho Chang, fans of the history-making boy-wizard will find their thirst for Hogwarts adventure slaked deliciously...at least for a little while!