This third in a series of books on Nostradamus's prophecies takes up the story of his predictions for the period that spans the end of the millennium into the 21st century. Using a new method of interpreting the complex verses of the 16th-century prophet, Peter Lorie discovers for the reader that many of the key words that have puzzled commentators for centuries may have their meanings in the contemporary characters and events of early-Rennaissance Europe. Employing a kind of prophetic detective hunt, aided by astrological readings from Dr Liz Greene, the astrologer and Jungian psychoanalyst, the author has unearthed a series of scenarios for the United States, the post-communist world, Europe and the United Kingdom which brings a new positive hope for the next two decades. In addition, this look at the Prophet's writings reveals some of the most intimate information related to women in the future, the state of marriage and relationships, and even a treasure hunt for gold still buried beneath a church in France. Peter Lorie is co-author of Nostradamus - The End of the Millennium and Superstitions , and Liz Greene is the author of Dreamer of the Vine .