From girlhood Morgan was continually urged to be more realistic. Rebellious tendencies of great variety were quelled with hushed reminders of her father's vulnerable heart condition. Spells in the bush and in bohemia fortified Morgan's strong sense of individuality - and her unconventional sexuality. There were times in later life when even her children seemed to wish she were more inclined towards conformity. But when it came to a crisis, they knew how lucky they were to have such a mother. They leapt as instinctively to her defence as Morgan leapt to defend her instincts. Morgan Ross: head girl, hockey star, bush nurse, rebel, actress, mother and lesbian. This book is about the roles that women choose and have chosen for them and demonstrates the fate of a woman who stands staunchly by all of her choices at once - which portray what strength that takes - and what love. This is Elizabeth Wood's first work of fiction, although she is the author of numerous articles and reviews.