Stories of the Saints
by Joyce (Author), Joyce (Author), Judy Stevens (Author), Joyce Denham (Author)
The stories of great figures in Christianity still inspire today. Joyce Denham tells the tales of 14 major figures, from Bible times to the late Middle Ages. For each saint, she gives a short historical introduction, and then retells one significant episode in their life, which shines a light on the work and wisdom for which they were most loved and remembered. Where appropriate, she also includes a saying or prayer attributed to the saint. The book ends with a short section giving more information about each saint, with the dates of the Feast Days which celebrate each of their lives. From the Bible: Mary, John the Baptist, Peter, Mary Magdalene, Stephen, Paul. From Christian history (3rd to 14th century): Lawrence (Italy), Martin of Tours (France), Genevieve (France), Columba (Ireland/Scotland), Bathild (England/France), Francis of Assisi, Elizabeth of Portugal, Bridget (Sweden).
The stories of great figures in Christianity still inspire people today. Joyce Denham tells the tales of fourteen major saints, from Bible times to the late Middle Ages. For each one she gives a short historical introduction and then retells a memorable episode from their life - one which shines a light on the work and wisdom for which they were most loved and remembered. The book, which is illustrated with medieval-style tinted wood-cuts, ends with a short section giving more information about each saint, with the dates of the Feast days which celebrate each of their lives. Saints mentioned include from the Bible: Mary, John the Baptist, Peter, Mary Magdelene, Stephen, Paul; saints from Christian history (third to fourteenth century): Lawrence (Italy), Martin of Tours (France), Genevieve (France), Columba (Ireland/Scotland), Bathild (England/France), Francis of Assisi, Elizabeth of Portugal, Bridget (Sweden). The book should appeal to children and be a useful resource for primary school teachers and parents.
The stories of great figures in Christianity still inspire today. Joyce Denham tells the tales of 14 major figures, from Bible times to the late Middle Ages. For each saint, she gives a short historical introduction, and then retells one significant episode in their life, which shines a light on the work and wisdom for which they were most loved and remembered. Where appropriate, she also includes a saying or prayer attributed to the saint. The book ends with a short section giving more information about each saint, with the dates of the Feast Days which celebrate each of their lives. From the Bible: Mary, John the Baptist, Peter, Mary Magdalene, Stephen, Paul. From Christian history (3rd to 14th century): Lawrence (Italy), Martin of Tours (France), Genevieve (France), Columba (Ireland/Scotland), Bathild (England/France), Francis of Assisi, Elizabeth of Portugal, Bridget (Sweden).