The definition of an owl had always pleased him: I am the owl, he would whisper to himself after he had selected his prey, and night-time is my time. Jean Sheridan, a prominent historian, returns to her hometown to attend the twenty-year reunion of Stonecroft Academy, where she is to be honoured along with six other members of her class. There is, however, something uneasy in the air: one woman in the group, Alison Kenall, a beautiful, high-powered Hollywood agent, died just a few days before, drowned in her pool during an early morning swim. She is the fifth woman in the class whose life has come to a sudden, mysterious end. At the award dinner, Jean does not suspect that among the distinguished people she is greeting is the Owl, a murderer nearing the countdown on his mission of vengeance against the Stonecroft women who had mocked or humiliated him, with Jean his final intended victim.
The definition of an owl had always pleased him: I am the owl, he would whisper to himself after he had selected his prey, and night-time is my time. Jean Sheridan, a prominent historian, returns to her hometown to attend the twenty-year reunion of Stonecroft Academy, where she is to be honoured along with six other members of her class. There is, however, something uneasy in the air: one woman in the group, Alison Kenall, a beautiful, high-powered Hollywood agent, died just a few days before, drowned in her pool during an early morning swim. She is the fifth woman in the class whose life has come to a sudden, mysterious end. At the award dinner, Jean does not suspect that among the distinguished people she is greeting is the Owl, a murderer nearing the countdown on his mission of vengeance against the Stonecroft women who had mocked or humiliated him, with Jean his final intended victim.