Following a problem-based approach, this textbook focuses on the presenting signs and symptoms, allowing the reader to think about diagnosis in a practical way. Case studies are included to explain diagnostic or management problems and to keep a clear focus on the patient. After introductory chapters on history and examination, child development, care of the ill child, paediatric emergencies and the environment (including child abuse), the following chapters are devoted to each body system. The text is illustrated with colour photographs, graphics and artwork, which help to fix the concepts of examination and growth and development in the student's mind. Tables, lists and graphs clarify and condense important or complicated information.
This is a concise, colourfully illustrated and highly informative textbook of paediatrics. Written primarily for medical students for their course in clinical paediatrics (6-10 weeks in duration in the UK and worldwide), the book has found a wider audience among nurses, trainee paediatricians preparing for the MRCPCH, and general practitioners preparing for the DCH. Throughout, there is an emphasis on the core fundamentals of paediatrics practice throughout the world, which has contributed to its success in Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East. Why is the book so appealing? There are three main reasons: the combined systems/symptoms approach, which is particularly suited to the study of children's illnesses; the amount of detail covered in a very succinct style, making it appropriate for a wide range of students; and, the appealing way in which it is written and presented. The following quotes from student/trainee reviewers explain these reasons even more clearly. The book combines a traditional, systems-based approach with a symptoms-based approach, which is particularly appropriate to paediatrics. To quote from one student's review: 'Having topics such as 'acute abdominal pain', headache' or 'the unconscious child' at the start of a separate section within a chapter, with differentials, aetiologies, clinical signs and investigations, is very useful in getting students to constantly think of the way in which children would present to them in a medical setting. This helps them to design a logical way of thinking about specific presentations, as they are faced in their clinical career'. As mentioned above, the book has found a wide readership - from nurses and medical students to trainees in paediatrics. To quote from one trainee's review: 'It is so refreshing to come across a medical textbook that manages to convey key points, provide additional detail at a more advanced level, and make the acquisition of knowledge a pleasurable experience through interesting and varied presentation...This book is remarkable in that it manages to pitch itself at both an undergraduate level and at that of a paediatric SHO coming up to membership exams (especially clinical). Each time I have re-read it, I have taken in more information than on the previous occasion'. The varied style of the book and the use of many different types of illustrations all contribute to its success. To quote from another review: 'The way the book is presented is integral to its success. For those...who tire easily reading textbooks, the bright and varied layout is extremely important. There is a good balance of photos, tables, flowcharts and text - and ...many people need variety in order to be able to assimilate and retain information effectively'.