The Schofield & Sims Progress Papers provide rigorous all-round practice for the end of Key Stage 2, and may also be suitable for some younger and older children. The series is designed for use as revision or extension work, or as preparation for the 11+ examinations, including those set by CEM (Durham University) and GL Assessment. The papers are intended for children to work through systematically with an adult who can provide assistance and diagnose key issues. Covering more than 80 topic areas, the Progress Papers in Mathematics contain a wide range of exercises through which mathematical knowledge and skills are developed and consolidated. Questions increase in difficulty, providing a clear measure of progress. Progress Papers in Mathematics 2 comprises seven papers, each containing 20 sets of five questions. Pull-out answers make scoring easy and the total mark per paper can be turned into a percentage result and added to the Progress chart at the back of the book following marking.
The topics covered in Progress Papers in Mathematics 2 include: simple calculations, long division and long multiplication estimation, averages, probability and problem solving; prime numbers, factors and multiples; fractions, decimals and percentages; ratio, proportion and basic algebra; shape properties, angles and degrees; graphs, charts and coordinates.