This is one of a two-part A level French course bridging the gap between GCSE and A level, and catering for pupils who have achieved National Curriculum levels 6-7 at GCSE and who are continuing with French to As or A level. The first part of the course is Tout Droit! , which provides sufficient grounding and practice to serve as a complete coursebook for AS levels. The course as a whole offers the broad scope required for A level while aiming to keep to a manageable length. Tout Droit! concentrates on bridging the gap between GCSE and advanced studies by referring to the type of activities with which students are familiar, so as to build confidence and motivation. The book porvides short and medium-length passages, incorporating meaningful activities and exercises. The page layout is intended to be inviting and there is enough illustration to allow post-GCSE students to feel at home with the material. There is also regular, unit-end consolidatory and assessment material to enable both the student and the teacher to monitor progress effectively. The material itself is steeped in French society and culture and has been chosen specifically so as not to date.
Grammar and language acquisition is reinforced through a wide range of activities and exercises. Individual work, pair work and group work are all included, and these activities are complemented by grammar practice exercises linking back to authentic examples from the stimulus passages. The grammar practice exercises incorporate a reprise section which reinforces understanding of language points covered in the preceding units. Full grammar explanations are also provided in a reference section at the back of the book. All the activities in Tout Droit! are graded to take the student from level 7 of the National Curriculum to the point where they can tackle work of an A level standard. The grammar required for A level is covered gradually and realistically. This book, Droit au But! aims to consolidate the skills developed through Tout Droit! and to look in more depth at using language to investigate and discuss topical issues. Among the subjects covered are crime and punishment, the French cinema and ecology.