We may think we are happy, whether it's married with children, living in a big house out in the suburbs with an adoring husband and two beautiful children, or being footloose and fancy free in a cool flat with a great job and lots of friends, but isn't there often a small part of us that thinks the grass is always greener? That longs for what we don't have...From the outside Vicky Townsley would appear to have it all. Features Director of the hugely successful Poise! magazine, she lives alone in London, is single, solvent, and seriously successful. But she'd give it all up in a heartbeat for marriage, children, and a house in the country complete with aga and large lurchers. Amber Winslow on the other hand, has exactly what Vicky Townsley wants, albeit on the other side of the atlantic. A huge stone mansion in Highfield Connecticut, the requisite golden retriever, children (and, naturally, full-time nanny), and a busy charitable commitment for the local Women's League that some might think was just for social climbing. But Amber isn't happy either.
Amber hasn't found quite the fulfillment she had expected from being a full-time wife and mother, so when she spots a double page spread in Poise! magazine asking married readers to life swap with a glamorous, single journalist in London, she sits down and writes a letter. But she never expects to be picked...Life Swap is the story of what really happens when two women, both of whom think their happiness lies somewhere else, decide to walk in one another's shoes for one month. It's the story of the grass not being as green as you might think, and of discovering that happiness is not always where you expect it to be.
From the outside Vicky Townsley would appear to have it all. Features Director of the hugely successful Poise! magazine, she lives alone in London, is single, solvent, and seriously successful. But she'd give it all up in a heartbeat for marriage, children, and a house in the country. Amber Winslow on the other hand, has exactly what Vicky Townsley wants; a huge stone mansion in Highfield Connecticut, children and a busy charitable commitment for the local Women's League. But Amber isn't happy either. She hasn't found quite the fulfillment she had expected from being a full-time wife and mother, so when she spots a double page spread in Poise! magazine asking married readers to life swap with a glamorous, single journalist in London, she sits down and writes a letter. But she never expects to be picked...Life Swap is the story of what really happens when two women decide to walk in one another's shoes for one month. It's the story of the grass not being as green as you might think, and of discovering that happiness is not always where you expect it to be